
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

Reifner, Agenda for Trento Meeting and material to help discussion “Social Contracts in Europe”

September 22, 2009 By: Admin Category: 2009 Trento, 3. Meetings

Here is the link to the document prepared by Udo Reifner: Trento Meeting Sept 2009 (Reifner slides)

Below is the suggested preliminary schedule for the Meeting (comments, amendments welcome).

Suggested Programme: EuSoCo Meeting – Trento September 25, 2009

9.00 Welcome

-Agenda, Protocol, Technical

9.15-10.00 Purpose and Goals

-brainstorming (DCFR, language, publication, proposal, politics, participants)

10.15-11.00 Social Contracts

-What is it? Intro + Discussion

11.15-12.00 Issues for Research

-horizontal or vertical approach, theory and application,

12.00-13.00 Lunch Break

13.00-14.00 Research Grants

-Where and How? Website, Communication, Meetings (Sebastien), support?

14.00-15.30 Work in Groups

-European Contract Law Antoniolli/Nyberg/Perez/Nicolussi

-Labour Law Dockes/Kocher/Nogler/Pilgersdorfer

-Consumer Credit LawHuls/Howells/Reifner

15.45-17.00 Reports and Gen. Discussion

17.15-18.15 Workplan

-Who? When? What? (March 2010 first pub. BOD?, Research Proposal, Coord., next meeting)

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