
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

Archive for the ‘3. Meetings’

EuSoCo Conference March 22, 2019 (Frankfurt/Slubice)

März 03, 2019 By: udo.reifner Category: 2019 Frankfurrt_Slubice, 2019Frankfurt_Slubice

European University Viadrina and EuSoCo invite (Flyer for download)


„Principles of social long-term contracts – the case of contracts about digital work and digital content“
22-23 March 2019, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Słubice, Poland

(mehr …)

Embedding the Principles of Life Time Contracts – A research Agenda

März 14, 2018 By: Admin Category: 2016 Luxembourg, LTC Books 2014 ff

City University of Hong Kong: Roundtable on Lifetime Contracts in Consumer and Related Contexts

März 14, 2018 By: Admin Category: 2018 Hong Kong

Life Time Contracts in Asia – Round Table Discussion at the City University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law

Date: 16 March 2018, Friday (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Venue: P5401, 5/F Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
Language: English
Speakers: Professor Luca Nogler (University of Trento, Italy)
Professor Dr. jur. Udo Reifner (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Professor Gary Low (Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Professor Emeritus Hisakazu Hirose (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Professor Geraint Howells (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Dr. Ding Chunyan (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Hamburg 2016: EuSoCo Workshop Early Termination in Credit Law – what we can learn from labour and tenancy law.

Juni 23, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: 2016 Hamburg, Credit Law, Early Termination

At its annual conference on financial services in Hamburg on June 2 and 3, 2016 („Digitalisation of the bank-customer relationship“) one plenary session has been dedicated to principle 11 of the LTC principles concerning early termination of credit contracts and what can be learned from labour and tenancy law. Programme, outline and reader can be retrieved here. (mehr …)

E-book: Em torno de Life Time Contracts

Juni 21, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: 2. Life Time Contracts Pub, 2015 Braga, LTC Books 2014 ff

sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2016

E-book: Em torno de Life Time Contracts

No passado dia 15 de Maio de 2015, o Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Direitos Humanos da Universidade do Minho, através do seu grupo de investigação em Direito privado — fenómenos de constitucionalização, materlalização e socialização, organizou um colóquio internacional em torno do livro Life Time Contracts. (mehr …)


Juni 21, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: 1. EuSoCo, 2016 Luxembourg

International Conference
The University of Luxembourg together with the European Social Contracts Group (EuSoCo) are glad to announce the organization of a one-day international symposium to be held in Luxembourg Friday, 30 September 2016.

The symposium will represent the kick-off of a new stage in the discussion about Life Time Contracts in Europe, whose original characters have been discussed in the book: Life Time Contracts: Social Long-term Contracts in Labour, Tenancy and Consumer Credit Law (L. Nogler & U. Reifner (eds), Eleven International Publishing 2014.
The symposium will include specific moments dedicated to young researchers addressing issues surrounding Life Time Contracts, to animate the discussion and drive the discourse forward.
The themes around which the papers will be addressed are those relating to each main session of the conference, that is:

1. The collective dimension of Life Time Contracts
2. Life Time Contracts, labour contracts and the digital economy
3. Life Time Contracts, tenancy and credit contracts (mehr …)

Newsletter 1.2016 EuSoCo

Juni 21, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: 1. EuSoCo, 2016 Luxembourg

Hamburg/Trento 15th of May 2016
Newsletter 1.2016

Dear friends

Our next meeting will now definetely take place at the University of Luxembourg for Friday September 30, 2016. It will have a significant francophone participation. The website for this event is already functional at (mehr …)

EuSoCo at University of Santiago de Compostela 17 October 2014

September 29, 2014 By: Admin Category: 2014 Santiago de Comp.

The authors of the book LIFE TIME CONTRACTS  are invited for a presentation on October 17th, 2014 at the Centre of Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance and Investor protection of University of Santiago de Compostela (CERGI-USC).

Our EuSoCo-member Frey Nybergh will initiate the discussion with a lecture about „consumer consequences of the new 2014 Banking Directive“. The programm of the conference please download via the following link and feel invited to take part as guest or participant.


Book presentation – Luxemburg (4 Dec 2013)

Januar 09, 2014 By: Admin Category: 2016 Luxembourg

Book Presentation

EuSoCo Group (Authors)

Social Long-term Contracts in European Law

December 4, 2013

Organizer: EuroPriLex Group

(mehr …)

4th EuSoCo meeting in Trento, 28/29th September 2012

September 29, 2012 By: Admin Category: 2012 Trento

Place: Universita Degli Studi Di Trento

Date: 28/29 September 2012

Participation: Luca Nogler (Universita Degli Studi Di Trento); Udo Reifner (Universita Degli Studi Di Trento);  Frey Nybergh (University of Helsinki); Andrea Nicolussi  (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano); Luisa Antoniolli (Universita Degli Studi Di Trento); Toni Williams (University of Kent);  Orsola Razzolini (Universita Bocconi); Geraint Howells (University of Manchester); Juana Pulgar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Christoph Schmid (ZERP Bremen);  Elena Bargelli (University of Pisa); Candida Leone (University of Amsterdam); Helena Klinger (Universität Hamburg)

Project partners unable to attend: Maurice Tancelin (in the past Université Laval); Riccardo Salomone, Fabio Pantano (Universita di Parma); Florian Rödl (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt); Ruben Houweling/L.J.M. Langedijk (Amsterdam); Eva Kocher (Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt O.); Elena F. Perez-Carrilló (Universidad Santiago de Compostella; Vincent Forray (Université McGill, Montréal/Québec)

Objectives of the meeting

Goal of the last EuSoCo-meeting was to present the current state of our book project by means of the contributions. The lectures should summarize the contributions and build the material for a fruitful discussion. On the basis of exchanged views, received comments and critical hints from the audience the reflection should be developed with regard to the contributions as well as to the principles of long-term contracts. The result of our last final meeting was to know where we stand on the issues of this project: what are our main shared ideas and demands with regard to a new European contract law and who will support these concepts of our project by a contribution.