
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

Archive for the ‘2009 Trento’

Trento Meeting: Powerpoint presentation on the Blog and FP7

September 27, 2009 By: Admin Category: 1.3 General & discussions, 2009 Trento

Click here to see Trento Meeting slides on Blog and FP7

Reifner, Agenda for Trento Meeting and material to help discussion “Social Contracts in Europe”

September 22, 2009 By: Admin Category: 2009 Trento, 3. Meetings

Here is the link to the document prepared by Udo Reifner: Trento Meeting Sept 2009 (Reifner slides)

Below is the suggested preliminary schedule for the Meeting (comments, amendments welcome).

Suggested Programme: EuSoCo Meeting – Trento September 25, 2009

9.00 Welcome

-Agenda, Protocol, Technical

9.15-10.00 Purpose and Goals

-brainstorming (DCFR, language, publication, proposal, politics, participants)

10.15-11.00 Social Contracts

-What is it? Intro + Discussion

11.15-12.00 Issues for Research

-horizontal or vertical approach, theory and application,

12.00-13.00 Lunch Break

13.00-14.00 Research Grants

-Where and How? Website, Communication, Meetings (Sebastien), support?

14.00-15.30 Work in Groups

-European Contract Law Antoniolli/Nyberg/Perez/Nicolussi

-Labour Law Dockes/Kocher/Nogler/Pilgersdorfer

-Consumer Credit LawHuls/Howells/Reifner

15.45-17.00 Reports and Gen. Discussion

17.15-18.15 Workplan

-Who? When? What? (March 2010 first pub. BOD?, Research Proposal, Coord., next meeting)

Huls, Self-Regulation and Over-Indebtedness (Draft)

September 21, 2009 By: udo.reifner Category: 2009 Trento, Credit Law

Regulation and self regulation in the fight against over-indebtedness in the Netherlands. A socio-legal and economic anlysis.

Draft, Do not quote

Paper for the Conference in Chemnitz, March 26 –28 2009 on Overindebtedness: Everyday Risk in Modern Societies? Theoretical Aspects and Empirical Findings in International perspective (download)

Plus addendum for EUCOSO Trento, 25 –26 September 2009

Plan for future research in the light of the credit crisis

Nick Huls & Nadja Jungmann, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Comments are welcome, please mail them to

1. Introduction

In this paper we pick up the thread from two earlier joint publications. In 2003 we discussed the creation of the WSNP (Debt Rescheduling (Natural Persons) Act) and the legal evaluation by the WODC (Research and Documentation Centre)

in 2001. In our 2009 publication we discussed the most important findings from Nadja Jungmann’s dissertation: the significant decline in the success rate of the voluntary trajectory, the insufficient policy theory of the legislator, and the strategic behaviour of municipalities (withdrawal), creditors (saying ’no‘ to the voluntary trajectory is cheaper) and assistance workers (bureaucratisation of implementation). In this third paper we discuss the way in which the debt problems and credit lending are addressed and/or managed in the Netherlands by a combination of government and self regulation. (mehr …)

Reifner/Nogler Paper for the EuSoCo Trento Meeting

September 21, 2009 By: udo.reifner Category: 2009 Trento

Lifetime Contracts and the Draft Common Frame of Reference

– A preliminary draft agenda for the Trento Meeting of the EuSoCo Project (July 10, 2009)

(For personal use only – no language check applied)

Udo Reifner/Luca Nogler


The following points are made in order to structure and prepare the discussion at the Trento seminar on September 25, 2009. We use the notion lifetime contracts as a working definition for social longterm contracts like labour, tenancy and consumer credit contracts. We are aware of the fact that other socially meaningful longterm contracts do exist in the area of goods of first necessity, associations, company law but we assume that the idea of a life time contract based on the legal idea of renting (location conduction) has nowhere emerged so clearly as in these three areas. The points made here are very preliminary and incentives for work and partition of labour. We would like to get as much material and hints as to the national and international discussions in this area as possible in order to be able to design a research project who after the Trento meeting has to be proposed in the FP 7 programme of DG research. iff will overtake the technical part. For this we also need ideas of the participants what resources they would like to have from the project, who else should get involved. The project will be conducted in three languages: German, French and English. Papers can also be presented in the mother tongue of the author if a summary or explanation in one of these languages is available. In our discussions we will provide short translations but make no restriction to the use of either of these languages. (mehr …)

Dockes Vers un principe de défaveur?

September 21, 2009 By: udo.reifner Category: 2009 Trento, Labour Law

Vers un principe de défaveur ?

Quand le droit européen affronte la tradition des droits nationaux[1]

Emmanuel Dockès

Sous des noms divers, une idée assez simple semble toujours actuelle au sein du droit du travail de nombreux droits des Etats membres de l’Union européenne. En droit français, on parle de principe de faveur, en droit allemand de Günstigkeitsprinzip, en Italie de derogabilità in melius, … Une étude comparatiste plus poussée serait nécessaire por mieux montrer la force, mais aussi les limites de cette idée commune. D’autant que cette idée semble désormais menacée en droit européen. (mehr …)