
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

Archive for the ‘1. EuSoCo’

EuSoCo Declaration 2005 (EN/FR/DE/IT/ES)

April 04, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.1 EuSoCo Declaration

1 We, a worldwide group of academics knowledgeable in consumer, tenancy and labour law, are deeply concerned that the path to a harmonised system of contract law as envisaged i.e. by the European Commission and the Parliament will be built on a reductive model of commercial and consumer sales where information is the only substantive gift to social interests. (mehr …)

Principles of „Life Time Contracts“ (EN)

April 04, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

Principles of social long-term contracts

1. Life time contracts: Life time contracts are long-term social relationships providing goods, services and opportunities for work and income-creation. They are essential for the self-realisation of individuals and their participation in society at various stages in their life. (mehr …)

Principes des contrats du temps d’existence (FR)

April 03, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

1. Contrats d’existence : Les contrats d’existence sont des relations sociales à long terme par lesquelles les individus se fournissent des biens ou des services, accèdent à un travail ou à une source de revenus. Ces contrats sont essentiels à la réalisation et l’insertion de l’individu dans la vie sociale, à différents stades de celle-ci. (mehr …)

Principios de los contratos para la existencia (ES)

April 02, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

1. Los “contratos para la existencia” se definen como relaciones jurídicas contractuales de larga duración cuyo objeto es satisfacer necesidades humanas esenciales a través de bienes y servicios. Facilitan la integración y participación de las personas en la sociedad, a lo largo de su vida. (mehr …)

Principi sui contratti “di durata” per l’esistenza della persona (IT)

April 01, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

1. Contratti “di durata” per l’esistenza della persona: i contratti di durata per l’esistenza della persona sono contratti socialmente rilevanti i quali hanno per oggetto la soddisfazione di esigenze delle persone relative a beni e servizi primari, al lavoro ed alla capacità economica necessaria allo sviluppo della persona come individuo e nella sua vita di relazione. (mehr …)

关于社会长期性合同的原则 (CN)

April 01, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles


1.Life time合同:life time合同属于提供商品、服务、工作机会与创造收入的长期社会关系。合同对于个体的自我实现以及个体在其人生各阶段参与社会起着不可或缺的作用。 (mehr …)

Prinzipien sozialer Dauerschuldverhältnisse (DE)

März 31, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

1. Lebenszeitverträge: Lebenszeitverträge sind soziale Dauerschuldverhältnisse, die mit Bezug zu einem Teil der Lebenszeit natür-licher Personen lebenswichtige Güter, Dienstleistungen, Arbeit und Einkommensmöglichkeiten zur Selbstverwirklichung und sozialen Teilhabe bereitstellen. (mehr …)

사회적 구속력이 있는 계속적 채권채무관계 원칙 (KR)

März 29, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

1.         평생계약 (Lebenszeitverträge): 평생계약이라 함은 사회적 구속력이 있는 계속적 채권채무관계의 일종으로써, 자연인의 생존에 있어 중요한 재화 및 서비스를 제공하는 계약, 자기실현과 사회에서 스스로의 역할을 가능하게 하는 근로계약 및 소득창출을 가능하게 하는 계약을 말한다. (mehr …)

Princípios Gerais sobre os Contratos Duradouros Essenciais à Existência da Pessoa(PT)

März 21, 2018 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.2 LTC Principles

  1. Contratos duradouros essenciais à existência da pessoa.

1.1.      Os contratos duradouros essenciais à existência da pessoa são relações sociais que têm por objecto proporcionar ao indivíduo os bens, os serviços, o trabalho e os rendimentos necessários para a sua auto-realização e para a sua participação na vida social. (mehr …)


Juni 21, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: 1. EuSoCo, 2016 Luxembourg

International Conference
The University of Luxembourg together with the European Social Contracts Group (EuSoCo) are glad to announce the organization of a one-day international symposium to be held in Luxembourg Friday, 30 September 2016.

The symposium will represent the kick-off of a new stage in the discussion about Life Time Contracts in Europe, whose original characters have been discussed in the book: Life Time Contracts: Social Long-term Contracts in Labour, Tenancy and Consumer Credit Law (L. Nogler & U. Reifner (eds), Eleven International Publishing 2014.
The symposium will include specific moments dedicated to young researchers addressing issues surrounding Life Time Contracts, to animate the discussion and drive the discourse forward.
The themes around which the papers will be addressed are those relating to each main session of the conference, that is:

1. The collective dimension of Life Time Contracts
2. Life Time Contracts, labour contracts and the digital economy
3. Life Time Contracts, tenancy and credit contracts (mehr …)