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Principles of International Commercial Contracts Working Group on Long – Term Contracts (excerpts) (also in Spanish)

August 22, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: Contract Law

Second session Hamburg , 26 – 2 9 October 2015 UNIDROIT 201 6 Study L – Misc . 32 English only January 2016 REPORT (prepared by the UNIDROIT Secretariat)

(Spanish translation Long term contracts. ¿Hacia unos principios Unidroit de los contratos comerciales internacionales de duración? by Elena Carillo)

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Hamburg 2016: EuSoCo Workshop Early Termination in Credit Law – what we can learn from labour and tenancy law.

Juni 23, 2016 By: udo.reifner Category: 2016 Hamburg, Credit Law, Early Termination

At its annual conference on financial services in Hamburg on June 2 and 3, 2016 („Digitalisation of the bank-customer relationship“) one plenary session has been dedicated to principle 11 of the LTC principles concerning early termination of credit contracts and what can be learned from labour and tenancy law. Programme, outline and reader can be retrieved here. (mehr …)

Recent EU Draft CESL discussed in Chicago – „European Contract Law: A Law-and-Economics Perspective“ (April 27, 2012)

Mai 15, 2012 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law

Conference on ‚European contract law: a law-and-economics perspective‚ in Chicago considered a wide range of views on the development of European contract law, focusing on the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL).

While the proposed CESL met some heavy criticism from speakers from both sides of the Atlantic, suggestions for improvement and for the further development of European contract law took diverging directions. In general, and perhaps not surprising in light of the economic angle of the conference, it appeared that the US speakers were rather sceptical about further-going regulation of consumer transactions in the EU’s internal market. The European speakers, on the other hand, mostly sought to combine their criticism with suggestions for the elaboration of measures of EU contract law within the existing acquis communautaire. The different approaches generated a lively debate on general issues (harmonisation, regulatory competition, mandatory rules, optional instruments) as well as specific topics (consumer protection techniques, the doctrine of mistake, remedies, custom, precontractual liability, Eurobarometer surveys).

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EP Legal Affairs Committee publishes a reprot on the Optional Instrument

März 07, 2012 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law

Implementation of Optional Instruments within European Civil Law

Date :16-01-2012 Study

Authors : Bénédicte FAUVARQUE-COSSON (Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, France ; Trans Europe Experts – TEE) and Martine BEHAR-TOUCHAIS (Sorbonne School of Law, Paris I, France ; Trans Europe Experts – TEE)

Committees : Legal affairs

Executive summary : Version EN Version DE

Optional European Sales Law: ERA Conference 9-10 February 2012

Januar 19, 2012 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law

In a few weeks‘ time, the European Law Academy will be hosting a 2 day conference discussing the ESL. Entitles: AN OPTIONAL EUROPEAN SALES LAW – THE COMMISSION PROPOSAL AND ITS PERSPECTIVES. Taking place in Trier, 9-10 February 2012; ERA Conference Centre; Metzer Allee 4, Trier, Germany.

The ERA Programme ESL Feb 2012 is available here.
On the Friday, EuSoCo Group partner Bob Schmitz will be speaker on one of the panels, we hope he will make allusions to our efforts and forthcoming publication. Following him will be BEUC representative Ursula Pachl with her critique of the ESL.

09:00     Comparing B2C and B2B contracts (Which rules are different? Why?

Dora Szentpaly-Kleis and Ursula Pachl

11:00     B2C: Added value for consumers or cost driver for enterprises?

Hanne Melin and Bob Schmitz

BEUC Study on Optional Instrument; BEUC’s 10 reservations; and EU Justice ministers discuss CESL

Dezember 20, 2011 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law

EuSoCo partner Geraint Howells has co authored a study for BEUC. This study and the 10 reservations from BEUC can be found on the BEUC website or from the links below

See: BEUC Study: „Optional Soft Law Instrument on ECL“ (Howells, Micklitz, Reich, Nov 2011)

See BEUC’s  European contract law: 28th regime – BEUC’s 10 reservations (Nov 2011)


14 Dec. 2011: Justice ministers meeting in Brussels discussed the proposed Common European Sales Law.

Proposals for a common sales law to encourage cross-border trade appear to have been dismissed by EU justice and home affairs ministers meeting in Brussels on 14 December amid concerns that they will heap more bureaucratic costs on small businesses. The proposals were set for discussion rather than agreement.

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COMMON EUROPEAN SALES LAW – Views from BEUC, minutes from EP May meeting, article from the UK

November 18, 2011 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law


In an article for the Guardian, Alex Aldridge comments on how a European single contract law could erode English hegemony with the UK legal profession viewing it as a threat to its dominance (with Ken Clarke describing the proposal as an „Esperanto fallacy„) and that the real fear is not over b2c contracts but business-to-business contracts where the English law (and New York law) is currently the dominant jurisdiction for international transactions. European justice commissioner Viviane Reding is quoted as saying „A widespread European contract law would be an important advantage in the global competition between the civil and common law systems, particularly in view of a growing Asian market.“ The article says that „still, a European contract law would have a long way to go before it toppled. But it could be helped to become a serious global player if, in the future, it were to be made compulsory across the EU (rather than optional as is the case under the current proposal), or extended beyond sale of goods contracts. The possibility of creeping influence worries Law Society president John Wotton. „If the new law is established, there would likely be pressure to expand it to other areas like financial services and insurance,“ he says.“

A copy of the minutes of the May 3 2011 hearing (here), shows that the Commisioner’s quoted statistics were questionable (the price for a company wanting to sell products through all 27 EU Member States reaches 150,000 euro just for legal fees to ascertain the applicable law) and that statements indicated that the small businesses in question simply do not view a forced choice of foreign law as an issue (see research such as Gilles Cuniberti, Is the CISG Benefitting Anybody? 39 Vand. J. Transnat’l L. 1511, (Nov.) 2006) (available at SSRN: that suggests that in fact choice of law is not an issue which is dealt with by the majority of businesses engaged in cross-border transactions)

Some links to related research

November 17, 2011 By: Admin Category: Contract Law

Below some recent papers of potential interest:

Hesselink, Martijn W., How to Opt into the Common European Sales Law? Brief Comments on the Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation (October 26, 2011). Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2011-43; Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2011-15. Available at SSRN:

Hesselink, Martijn W., The General Principles of Civil Law: Their Nature, Roles and Legitimacy (September 22, 2011). Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2011-35; Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2011-14; THE INVOLVEMENT OF EU LAW IN PRIVATE LAW RELATIONSHIPS, Dorota Leczykiewicz & Stephen Weatheril, eds., Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2012; Post-National Rulemaking Working paper No. 2011-03. Available at SSRN:

Rosenberg, Anat, Classical Contract Law, Past and Present (September 15, 2011). Available at SSRN:

Purnhagen, Kai Peter, The Architecture of Post-National European Contract Law from a Phenomenological Perspective – A Question of Institutions (September 5, 2011). Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2011-25; Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2011-11; Post-National Rulemaking Working Paper Series No. 2011-01. Available at SSRN:

Even the trade association for businesses critisise the new EU sale Law

Oktober 21, 2011 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law

The directive on consumer rights has been finally approved by the EP and has to be enacted by the end of 2013, and the Commission has formally adopted a proposal for an optional instrument on the basis of the expert group document. Even market logic cannot help explain the economic rationale for such a sales law… In fact, even the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises have not welcomed the optional law. They have said that the „proposals will do very little in this respect and will actually leave small businesses worse off, if confirmed in their current form. SMEs face diverse issues such as language barriers and tax systems when trading cross-border, while the attitude of consumers in relation to buying from another member state does not depend on legal diversity. The need to adapt and comply with different consumer protection rules in the foreign contract laws was cited as having a ‚large impact‘ on cross-border trade only by 7 per cent of the respondents to the Eurobarometer. Therefore, pretending that the common sales law is a priority and that it will change the status quo is preposterous“.

Below is a further quote from an article by Paul Abbiati „Is a common sales law for Europe possible?“ (mehr …)

Focused on divergent sales laws: EC will present its proposals and two new Eurobarometer surveys later this month

Oktober 06, 2011 By: Admin Category: Contract Law, DCFR

Wednesday 12 October (date to be confirmed): European Commission proposes European Contract law to boost trade and expand consumer choice

The European Commission will present proposals to bring more coherence to contract laws in the EU. Despite the success of the EU’s Single Market, barriers to cross-border trade remain. Many of these result from divergent sales laws between the 27 Member States. They make selling abroad complicated and costly, especially for small firms. Traders who are dissuaded from cross-border transactions due to contract law obstacles forgo at least €26 billion in intra-EU trade every year. Meanwhile, 500 million consumers in Europe lose out on greater choice and lower prices because fewer firms compete, particularly in smaller national markets. The Commission’s proposals will aim to break down these barriers.

The background:

Under the Europe 2020 strategy (IP/10/225), the Commission is tackling bottlenecks in the Single Market to drive economic recovery. This includes making progress towards a European contract law.

In July 2010, the Commission put forward several options in a Green Paper for a more coherent approach to contract law.

The event:

The Commission will present its proposals and publish two new Eurobarometer surveys. Vice-President Reding will hold a press conference and a technical briefing will also be held (to be confirmed).

The sources:

Contract law in the EU:

Vice-President Reding’s website: