EC Report from the Expert Group on European contract law now published
Expert Group Report on European contract law (May 2011)
„A European contract law for consumers and businesses: Publication of the results of the feasibility study carried out by the Expert Group on European contract law for stakeholders‘ and legal practitioners‘ feedback“
Following consultation (320 responses) of the Commission Green Paper on various legal instruments, the EU Commission wishes to propose an Optional Instrument (OI) for cross-border transactions covering all necessary rules for the life cycle of a contract between parties. On 3 May the Commission published the draft of 189 articles resulting from a one-year preparatory work by the 17 person Expert Group. EuSoCo should be a part of the discussions to be had following this feasibility study and should be involved in the preparation of any follow-up initiatives on European contract law.
Announced on the DG JUST website:
May 2011: Publication of the feasibility study carried out by the Expert Group on European contract law for stakeholders and legal practitioners feedback. The Expert Group established by the European Commission in April 2010 has delivered a feasibility study on a future initiative on European contract law. The text of the feasibility study covers the most relevant practical issues in a contractual relationship, such as legal rights for faulty goods and rules on which contract terms may be unfair. Interested parties (EuSoCo?) can send their feedback on the individual articles drafted by the Expert Group until 1 July 2011.
Alongside the Expert Group, there is a Stakeholder consultation process. Until now only an impact study has been conducted on the business (SME) perspective. Can we expect a detailed analysis and study to also take place to gather the consumer/user/worker perspective?
Report from February 2011: SME Panel Survey on the Impacts of European Contract Law. The Commission has carried out, in the context of the Enterprise Europe Network, an SME Panel survey on the problems related to contract law experienced by businesses in cross-border trade and on the impacts of a European contract law.