
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

EuSoCo Conference: Programme (Hamburg, Wednesday 18 May 2011)

Mai 16, 2011 By: Admin Category: 2011 Hamburg

Dear partners of EuSoCo,

We will now meet with 17 persons on Wednesday 18th of May 2011 in Hamburg. (University of Hamburg Welckerstr.8 R 217). Annexed you find the latest programme, our memorandum, participants, tentative principles and a detailed Table of Contents proposed for our publication.


We look forward to seeing you all next week in Hamburg.

With regard to the prospects of a future research grant iff has decided to dedicate a bit of its scarce resources to this project. Once you have made travel arrangements, iff will offer to cover two nights of your stay at the hotel in Hamburg. However we kindly ask where this is possible for you/your employer, to volunteer to pay for this yourself as we have a limited budget at present (which we will use for the evening meal, the room and catering etc.). For those that have not yet done so, please let us know how many hotel nights you would like us to make reservations for (the hotel we have selected is the brand new ‘Motel One’ opposite the Hamburger Church of St. Michaelis (called the „Michel“ whose steeple dominates the harbour) (

Language requirements: We no longer have funds to provide for simultaneous translation. Therefore we will organise translation among us into English so that the three languages can be used. For this we need to know exactly which languages you intend to speak in (we can assume that we all understand conversation in English) as well as those languages you understand in your reply to this email. Those who are fluent in English (or native speakers) will be seated next to those who need translation either from French or German into English.

A revised draft programme is attached (click on icon above) including an updated list of participants (we will not be able to invite the originally planned social and business personalities). Please give us your views (please also indicate whether you will also be attending the financial services forum on the 19.5)

Meanwhile we have got into contact with a new Hamburg Research Foundation created solely for its universities and designed to provide significant funds to help to tender for international projects. The next application deadline is October 2011 and we will use our publication efforts to ask for the necessary money to develop a proposal for the EU-programme in 2012. The university will support us.

We look forward to welcoming you in Hamburg in May.

The EuSoCo Team


Extracts from a previous Email


iff and the ECRC are holding their financial services conference „Fairness and Responsibility“ in Hamburg on 19-20 May 2011. If you are in Hamburg and can extend your stay, we will ensure free attendance and food at this event. The discussions on the Thursday 19th will be in English (see programme details at:

The output of the conference will be a book, so whether you are able to attend or not, please let us know if you intend to contribute to the publication.

The Conference programme:
If you wish to participate at the conference, we ask you to present a 1-3 page paper (10 minutes) outlining your views on the subject of “Social Contract Law”. Please take a look at the draft programme attached and indicate where you would like to intervene. We will amend the programme to include you and your topic. Any additional suggestions are welcome (e.g. directly to Udo or Luca).

1) We would appreciate a preliminary response from you telling us if you plan to come to Hamburg for the conference (18.5)
2) If you plan to attend the following financial services forum (19.5) and how many nights you want us to book a hotel room for

Comments are closed.