Second Meeting Hamburg July 1, 2010 Invitation
Welcome to the second meeting of the European Social Contract Law (EuSoCo) project in Hamburg July 1, 2010. Consumer, Tenant and Labour Lawyers are late to discuss European Contract Law.
15 scholars from different member states of the European Union will come to Hamburg and be hosted by iff and the University of Hamburg. The meeting is in connection with the European Conference on Responsible Credit which will take place on July 2 and 3 at the chamber of commerce in Hamburg where the project will also be presented on one of its workshops. In short also the book A Factual Assessment of the Draft Common Frame of Reference
Edited by Luisa Antoniolli and Francesca Fiorentini will appear where two members of the EuSoCo group have presented their concerns on the lack of account to Social Contracts in the Light of the Draft Common Frame of Reference for a Future EU Contract Law. The Economic and Social Committee has presented a proposal that would probably establish the DCFR as the dominant civil code in Europe. The European Commission after presenting a Roadmap has now established 20 experts (Official Journal for 27 April 2010 (OJ L105, 27.4.2010, 109-111) which within the next two years (until 26 April 2012) are supposed to present a Common Frame of Reference for a European Contract Law.
Article 2: Task
The group’s task shall be to assist the Commission in the preparation of a proposal for a Common Frame of Reference in the area of European contract law, including consumer and business contract law, and in particular in:
- (a) selecting those parts of the Draft Common Frame of Reference which are of direct or indirect relevance to contract law; and
- (b) restructuring, revising and supplementing the selected contents of the Draft Common Frame of Reference, taking also into consideration other research work conducted in this area as well as the Union acquis.
It is certainly time to discuss among labour, tenant and consumer lawyers whether the present sales orientation truly fits into a society where credit and services already dominate even the private sphere of citizens.
This website prepares our meeting and tries to keep up with the agenda. Literature and communication between the partners ahead of the first Trento meeting in September 2009 can be found in the different categories on the left hand side of the blog. Searches can be conducted through the searchfield at the bottom right of the „Home“ page of the blog. A list of the members participating in this project can be found on the heading „Members“ at the top of the page.