
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

Green Paper from the Commission on policy options for progress towards a European Contract Law for consumers and businesses

Juli 07, 2010 By: udo.reifner Category: 1.3 General & discussions, DCFR

Note:  (Jan 2011)  Some of the links below are no longer working due to EC website and internal restructuring (e.g. former DG SANCO units in charge of contract law have been transfered to the competence of DG Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship).

Updated link to consultation page:

Green Paper German

Green Paper English

Green Paper Francais

Green Paper Italiano


EU-Commission publishes Green Paper on European Contract Law

We welcome contributions from all citizens and stakeholders, Member States, EU institutions, national, regional and local authorities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, academia, social partners and civil society organisations.
From 01.07.2010 to 31.01.2011

Objective of the consultation

The internal market is built on a multitude of contracts governed by different national contract laws. Yet, differences between national contract laws may entail additional transaction costs and legal uncertainty for businesses and lead to a lack of consumer confidence in the internal market. Divergences in contract law rules may require businesses to adapt their contractual terms. Furthermore, diverging national laws are rarely available in other European languages, which imply that market actors need to take advice from a lawyer who knows the laws of the legal system.

The Commission wants citizens to take full advantage of the internal market. The Union must do more to ease cross-border transactions. The purpose of this Green Paper is to set out the options on how to strengthen the internal market by making progress in the area of European Contract Law, and launch a public consultation on them. Depending on the evaluation of the results of the consultation, the Commission could propose further action by 2012.

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