European Contract Code until February 2012 based on Sales Law?
The Economic and Social Committee has presented a proposal that would establish the DCFR as the dominant civil code in Europe. The European Commission after presenting a Roadmap has now established 20 experts (Official Journal for 27 April 2010 (OJ L105, 27.4.2010, 109-111) which within the next two years (until 26 April 2012) are supposed to present a Common Frame of Reference for a European Contract Law.
Article 2: Task
The group’s task shall be to assist the Commission in the preparation of a proposal for a Common Frame of Reference in the area of European contract law, including consumer and business contract law, and in particular in:
- (a) selecting those parts of the Draft Common Frame of Reference which are of direct or indirect relevance to contract law; and
- (b) restructuring, revising and supplementing the selected contents of the Draft Common Frame of Reference, taking also into consideration other research work conducted in this area as well as the Union acquis.