Parliament Study explores the values underlying the DCFR (Hesselink, 2008)
The values underlying the DCFR: what role for fairness and „social justice“? (EP, IMCO, Hesselink, Sept 2008)
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the provisions of the draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), in order to assess if the DCFR perceives contract law only as a tool for regulating private law relations between equally strong parties or if it contains elements of ’social justice‘ in favour of consumers, victims of discrimination, small and medium sized enterprises and other possibly weaker parties to contracts. After introducing the notion of social justice and its relationship to European contract law, this study explores the key social justice issues in the DCFR, their content and sources of inspiration. Finally, the last chapter draws some conclusions on the question if a balance has been struck among conflicting values and in particular between, on the one hand, individual private autonomy as expressed in the idea of freedom of contract, and on the other hand, principles of protection of weaker contracting parties responding to demands for social solidarity.