
Website for exchange in the EuSoCo project

Optional European Sales Law: ERA Conference 9-10 February 2012

Januar 19, 2012 By: Admin Category: European Sales Law

In a few weeks‘ time, the European Law Academy will be hosting a 2 day conference discussing the ESL. Entitles: AN OPTIONAL EUROPEAN SALES LAW – THE COMMISSION PROPOSAL AND ITS PERSPECTIVES. Taking place in Trier, 9-10 February 2012; ERA Conference Centre; Metzer Allee 4, Trier, Germany.

The ERA Programme ESL Feb 2012 is available here.
On the Friday, EuSoCo Group partner Bob Schmitz will be speaker on one of the panels, we hope he will make allusions to our efforts and forthcoming publication. Following him will be BEUC representative Ursula Pachl with her critique of the ESL.

09:00     Comparing B2C and B2B contracts (Which rules are different? Why?

Dora Szentpaly-Kleis and Ursula Pachl

11:00     B2C: Added value for consumers or cost driver for enterprises?

Hanne Melin and Bob Schmitz

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